Foster Application Foster ApplicationThis questionnaire will be used to determine if your home environment meets the needs of the animal you wish to foster. Applicant's Name* Street address* City* State* Zip code* Phone 1*Phone 2Email* Why do you want to Foster?* Do you own your home?*SelectYesNoMay we see proof that your property manager approves of having a pet in your residence and that it does not violate your rental or property agreement?*SelectYesNoN/ADo you have Transportation?* Do you want this animal to be: indoor only? outdoor only? indoor/outdoor Where will this animal be kept:during the day?* during the night?* Do you have a fenced yard?*SelectYesNoIf yes, then what is the fence type and height? How many hours per day are you away from home?* Will you have the time to teach a foster dog some basic manners?*SelectYesNoHow many adults are in the household?* How many children?* Ages of children? Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?*SelectYesNoWho will be the primary caregiver?* Please list the animals that currently reside with you. (type, breed, gender, age and whether they are spayed or neutered.)* If you have family dogs, can you provide proof of vaccination?*SelectYesNoN/AAre they on heartworm preventative?*SelectYesNoN/ADescribe the type of dog you would like to foster. (large, small, breed, age…)* Would you object to a home visit by one of our representatives?*SelectYesNoHow did you hear about our organization?* Terms*I understand that this organization cannot guarantee the health, temperament and training of the foster dog, and I hereby release Blue Dog Rescue, Inc. from all liability once the dog is in my possession. I agree