
8 years old
Shepherd Mix
Expected Weight
50 lbs
Activity Level
Big Kid Friendly
Dog Friendly

Emmett came to Blue Dog Rescue from rural Pleasanton with a badly infected leg and fractures of the pelvis, femur, ankle and tail after being hit by a car. He initially spent a few days at the veterinary hospital on IV fluids and antibiotics. An orthopedic consultation determined that the injuries were too old for surgery, but rehabilitation and water therapy were prescribed to strengthen his leg. SUCCESS! Emmett is up and running now, never missing a beat. He is a smart and happy pup who is ready to start the search for his forever family. Though young, Emmett is a gentle boy who is treat motivated and wants to please his humans and dog friends. He would excel in a training class and make his new family proud. Come meet this little cutie!

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