
5 years old
Chihuahua Mix
Expected Weight
7 lbs
Activity Level
Big Kid Friendly
Dog Friendly

Frida was found dragging herself alongside of a road. Her right, rear leg was shattered, as well as her tail. The exam found that these were not new injuries, and both the tail and leg had to be amputated. This little gal had been dragging her leg, and in pain for a long time. As heart breaking as this was, she has now made a full recovery and can run like the wind on three legs. She has a spunky personality and everyday realizes that her painful and bad days are far behind her. She is a favorite at her foster home and is grateful for all the love and kindness she has received. Frida needs a home with kids ages 10 or older, as small kids and loud noises tend to frighten her and make her nervous. She is a tiny bit so an apartment or a home will suit her lifestyle just fine.

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