
14 years old
Chihuahua Mix
Expected Weight
10 lbs
Activity Level
Big Kid Friendly
Little Kid Friendly
Dog Friendly

Have you ever wanted a little sausage with legs? Then Lenora is the dog for you! Don't let her physique fool you. She's willing and able to run and wiggle across the room, somersault her body upside down so you can rub her fat little tummy, or hop up onto the couch for some snuggle time.

Along with a good meal, Lenora also loves toys, siestas, and burrowing underneath blankets. Her low grunting tones keeps her fosters apprised as to which blanket she might be sleeping under. Lenora is a happy, spritely little gal who has never met a stranger.

Think Lenora may be the dog of your dreams?

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