
10 years old
Labrador Retriever Blue Lacy
Expected Weight
43 lbs
Activity Level
Big Kid Friendly
Little Kid Friendly
Cat Friendly

Daisy came to Blue Dog after her owner passed away. She is a spry 8-year-old, 43-pound Lab/Lacy mix with a soft, thick, and gorgeous blue coat. She loves walks (she's great on a leash!), car rides (it's her zen place), and stuffed animals. Her favorite treats are pupperoni sticks and bully sticks. Daisy appreciates a calm demeanor in her canine and human friends, and she gets along with cats — they're in charge, of course. If you're looking for a sweet cuddlebug to relax with, or take road trips and enjoy the great outdoors together, Daisy is waiting for you!

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